A collection of thoughts that lift me out of suffering.

Years ago I suffered a deep depression. Just when life was becoming unbearable, I discovered the power of questioning my stressful thoughts. When I put a troubling concept under the microscope, I discovered that I could never absolutely confirm that it was true.

In my relief, I started questioning every stressful thought I had. And as my suffering faded, new, more comforting thoughts emerged. When I believed these new thoughts, my world became kinder, safer, and more peaceful.

So I wrote them down and saved them here, where I can revisit them again and again. They return me to peace.

For years, I kept these thoughts to myself, unsure if they could help anyone else. I still don’t know. But in case they might, I’m sharing them here.

Feel free to explore these thoughts I like to believe. Maybe you’ll find something you’d like to believe too. Or not—and that’s perfectly fine.

But whatever you take from this, hold it lightly. Because in the end, the only wisdom that really matters is the wisdom you uncover for yourself.
