Humility is not a belief in my smallness, wrongness or badness.
Humility is the understanding that I am the same thing as everything else, that I am what is and you are what is and the dog and the curtains and a grain of sand are all the same thing.
Not different things. The same one thing.
Pride is the belief that I am separate, that there is “me,” and then there is everything else, that I have a way separate from everything else’s way, that my way is right (or wrong), that there is even such thing as “my way,” that there is even such thing as a separate “me.”
Pride gives me something I think I have to protect or earn or impress or serve or justify or explain or triumph over in order to be okay. And that’s a scary, stressful, painful story. And it isn’t true.
When I mentally separate myself from what is, I invent opposition. I invent a “me” separate from a “you”. I invent satisfaction and deprivation, I invent competition and the idea of winning and losing. I invent right which produces wrong and then I fight the wrong that isn’t, with a right that isn’t.
To be humble is to see myself as completely unseparated, to experience total connection with this one perfect thing we all are at once.
Nothing - including me - can be lost when nothing is separate.
And nothing can ever be any more - or less! - than exactly what it should be.