It’s not your job.

Okay me, listen up:

If the work you’re doing brings you constant suffering, it’s NOT YOUR JOB. you’re doing someone else’s job. Find new work. 

There are people doing that work right now who are ENERGIZED by it. And they’re not idiots. People who see things the way you do, who have the same or higher standards for the work, and who come ALIVE when they do it. 

Knock it off and leave it to them. They’ve got it.

The world will not fall apart if you let others take over the work that scares you, stresses you out, depletes you, or makes you feel frayed, tired, alone or on edge. 

Not only will the world not fall apart, it will come together: because the world is served when you - and they - do what makes you come alive.

The things that make you come alive keep you showing up, keep you excited for challenges and leave you wanting more. You can do it better, for longer than the people who would suffer doing it. 

And here’s the thing: a lot of people would suffer doing the things that come naturally to you, the things you do without any emotional effort.

They need YOU to do it. 

So do the world a favor and give yourself and everyone else a break: release yourself from the false obligation of doing work that brings you stress and leave that work to the people who come alive doing it. 

And then serve the world by doing what makes you come alive.

“But I HAVE to do this work!”

Is it true? Get really honest with yourself.


