“I want to matter to the world.”
Is it true?
“I want to matter to the world” - Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
How do you react, what happens when you believe the thought, “I want to matter to the world?”
I find faults in myself, ways I don’t matter to the world, and my mind goes to work proving them.
I feel small and insignificant
I lose hope
I want to hide and not try to be anything to anyone because all I can see is rejection coming.
Who would you be if you couldn’t think the thought, “I want to matter to the world?”
A guy sitting in bed writing lovingly to himself.
Happy with exactly where he is and what he is.
Turned around:
I DO NOT want to matter to the world.
I want THE WORLD to matter to ME.
I want to matter to MYSELF.
This definitely feels truer. When I think about how I would even know I matter to the world, I can’t find a way that wouldn’t require me believing it. So that’s where the work needs to be done: with me believing I matter.
I want to be unimportant / insignificant / invisible to the world. I want the world not to care about me or really even know I’m there.
True. I want to accept and live in the truth that I am invisible to people, that I have no significance to anyone else, that I am truly unimportant to another person because no one can ever really know ME. All they’ll ever know is what they THINK about me. No two people have ever met. I want to be free from attachment to opinions “about me” that can never actually be about ME. I want to work on clearing up my OWN opinion of me, wholly independent of anyone else’s opinion (because the truth is there’s no such thing as anyone else’s opinion).