Life’s job is to get to me.

Life’s job is to get to me

…so I can find peace in it. 

Everything that happens to me comes to reveal the kindness and peace of the universe. It’s giving me the chance to love THIS now, to open myself to the eternally benevolent flow of What Is and to recognize that THIS is yet another gift from a universe that only bestows gifts.

If I see anything other than a gift in what has happened, that is totally natural and human AND…

I’m missing something. 

Whatever I'm missing is the REASON life has gifted this to me. 

This has happened so I will see what the universe has to show me. And life is so beautifully kind and generous, it will never take back its gift. It will hold it here, patiently, tirelessly, relentlessly until I grasp with all my heart the peace and beauty of what I’m being called to see right now. 

Ego will make it challenging. “No! Not this!” Ego will fight and rail and bargain and avoid and go to war with the universe’s gift. It does this to help me, but it has an innocently limited perspective. It sees a sliver of reality and thinks it’s everything.  

The universe knows better. It loves me through all of it. It takes no offense. It knows I’m just encountering a gift that I don’t understand. So it will never retreat, never retract. It will wait patiently, lovingly, until I take this one more thing into the limitlessness of my loving heart. 

And when I finally do, I am well. I am at peace, the most powerful state of being in existence. 

At peace, I am everything the world needs me to be. I can do everything that needs to be done, and I can let go of everything that doesn’t. I am rested, efficient, aligned, aware and free to respond to everything that happens with love (the only place from which anything is ever truly made better).  

When it has delivered me here, life has done its job. 

So it leaves me to it and moves on. 

To the next thing it’s time for me to find peace in.