The only way to escape “reality” is to discover that it isn’t reality.

Addictive behaviors fail to comfort me long-term because they attempt to escape “reality” and the only way to escape “reality” is to discover that it isn’t reality. If I ever think I need a break from reality it's because I’m believing something that isn’t real. If I think I need a break from reality it’s because I’m NOT IN REALITY. I’m dealing with a false reality. A dream.

No one ever wants to escape TRUE reality.

True reality is always kind, peaceful, wonderful.

As long as I believe in a stressful world (which is a false reality), any momentary escape will still leave me with that same frame of mind from which I’ll think I need to escape again. 

Until I realize I’m trying to escape from a figment of my imagination, I will think escape is necessary. And I will thrash and fight and do whatever it takes to escape. And it will keep happening again and again until I clear up what I’m thinking and believing and find true reality, which is always peaceful and kind and wonderful. No one who has ever experienced the benevolent, peaceful, accepting joy and freedom of true reality - the reality prior to their story - would ever want to escape it. 

When I discover that the “reality” from which I’m trying to escape isn’t actually real, I free myself from any need to escape it. 

When I discover that the pain from which I’m trying to escape isn’t actually what’s hurting me, I free myself from any need to numb from it. 

When I discover that the disrespect from which I’m trying to escape isn’t actually what’s making me feel disrespected, I free myself from any need to punish anyone for it. 

When I discover that the constraint from which I’m trying to escape isn’t actually what’s holding me back, I free myself from any need to be freed from it. 

I just live. Free and open. In accordance with my true nature. And allow myself the joy of being held by the eternally kind, loving and supportive reality from which I am never separated.