The suffering mind can only see things separated into good and bad. When I am dealing with a suffering mind, I have to pick a side. The suffering mind can’t grasp oneness. It has too much to protect. I find that any support I show for a suffering mind’s apparent enemy can only be seen by that mind as evidence that I am also its enemy. I find that nothing I do can convince it otherwise. It makes sense because when my mind is convinced of separation it cannot conceive of oneness. It finds the whole notion laughably absurd.
So I can’t change someone else’s suffering mind. I can only question my own. I can return to oneness and live at one with what is. And I find that when I am one with everything, everything is one with me through no effort of mine.
When I am free of suffering, when I am free of identity, I have nothing to protect. No “me” to save. I can sit with suffering and not argue with it. I can love a mind trapped in a nightmare and see no problem.