The universe makes me fail at everything I should not be doing.

If it’s not right for me, it won’t work. 

Because the universe is kind. 


I will win no awards, or games, or arguments I shouldn’t win right now. 

I will gain no one’s approval or understanding that I shouldn’t have right now.

I will land no jobs I shouldn’t have right now.

I will keep no clients I shouldn’t have right now.

I will have no people in my life who shouldn’t be in it right now.

I won’t even find any parking spaces I shouldn’t have right now.

Every “failure” is a gift: the universe keeping me on MY path toward a life of love and peace and wholeness (and MY path is unique in the universe, so no comparison here will do me any good). 

It’s the universe saying…

  • “It’s not time for this now.”

  • “You’ll need a different approach.”

  • “Nope. Not quite that direction.”

  • “You’re needed elsewhere.”

  • “Let me save you some time.”

  • “This will not get you what you’re seeking.”

I don’t suffer when I fail. I suffer when I ARGUE with my failures.

I don’t have to worry about failures. Everything’s being taken care of. I’m either being spared something I’m not ready to face or being presented with something it’s time to face. 

The pain only comes when I say, “NO! Not this!!”

Suffering dissolves when I receive what’s happening as the divine gift it is and move forward in gratitude

Does this mean I abandon my true heart’s desires?


My true heart’s desire is also the universe at work. 

That’s my motor, propelling me forward.

Free will is my steering wheel.

And my failures are the guard rails that keep me on the road to paradise.

Whose paradise? My paradise. Custom designed just for me by a benevolent universe.

Love them.

Embrace them.

And be grateful for all the help!