What comes back to me is none of my business.

I would be wise not to do ANYTHING with the goal of being loved, accepted or understood. That’s living in someone else’s business. It’s manipulation, it’s dishonest and it’s powerless. Not to mention, it’s impossible. So it’s a fast track to resentment, hopelessness and depression. 

I express my truth and give it over to the universe. What does or does not come back to me is none of my business. I have all the love, acceptance and understanding I’ll ever get (and ever need) right between my ears. My work is to find it and give it to myself. 

People can love, accept and understand me until they’re blue in the face and I’ll never believe it unless I register it in my own mind. If I do not see myself as loved, accepted or understood there’s nothing anyone can do to prove otherwise. So the only way to feel these things is to bestow them upon myself. The good news is there is infinite love, acceptance and understanding in me if I am dedicated to finding it. I just get quiet and honestly question any thought that argues with the fact that I am loved, accepted and understood. 

And I find that everything I would ever want to bring to me is already here.