Short Answer:
Longer Answer:
God is Reality: “the way of it,” “what is” prior to my story.
In Reality there is no separation, which means there is no “me” distinct from “God” or from “others,” no “me” separate from “what is” in any scientifically provable way.
And so in Reality, there is no suffering. Because in Reality, there is nothing separate to cause or receive any actual suffering. No “difference,” and so no wishing things were different. Only thoughts of such things.
I make it all up with a story of separation where I create a “bad” that is present and a “good” that is not and it is my story of this present “bad” and absent “good” that creates all of my suffering.
I notice that things that can’t make up stories about their separateness appear not to suffer: rocks, clouds, logs, water molecules, people in dreamless sleep. They are at one with what is and - for that exact reason - they are free from suffering.
Not as a reward for accepting their oneness with what is, but as a function of it.
There is only the way of it, what IS, kind and peaceful before “I” decide “I” exist separate from “what is” (I don’t), and believe that “they” (who don’t exist separately either) should comply with the petulant demands of my confused imaginary “self.”
I am always wrong when I believe things should be other than they are.
How do I know? When I believe it, I suffer. Every time.
I suffer, not as a punishment for my confusion but as a function of it: it just hurts when I argue with reality. And it doesn’t when I don’t. Pure and simple.
I can let hurtful thoughts just pass me by, just as rocks, clouds, logs, water molecules, and people in dreamless sleep do. Rocks and clouds can’t hold any stressful thoughts. They are not distracted. They live in Reality.
In Reality (which some call “God”), there is no suffering.
Suffering is nothing more than how it feels to be in a painful argument with Reality.