I am willing to be feared, hated, persecuted or ridiculed for meeting the world with love.
Because I love to love. It is the height of living, the top of the mountain. There is no experience with any greater payoff than to love what is simply because I love to love.
And I see that the experience of my own loving true nature is all that’s needed to endure others’ fear, hate, persecution or ridicule.
Because when I love, I see that all the fear, hate, persecution and ridicule is nothing more than the outward spasms of a mind thrashing about in search of love.
And the mind doing the thrashing is mine.
And so giving myself the freedom to love others as they are, even as they appear to fear and hate and persecute and ridicule me, offers me the opportunity to glimpse what we’re all seeking: the space, time, freedom and example to love without condition.
Which doesn’t mean THEY will.
And if they don’t, it just means I have more work to do. I’m not seeing them clearly yet.
So I can just keep on loving.
Because all I will ever need in order to endure anything…
…is the experience of my own loving true nature.