
def: The absence of “past” or “future.”

Perfect timeless presence in the “now”

Any thought of a “not now” is a story. It can only exist in imagination.

What is - prior to my story - is eternal.

Reality is eternal.

That which is not eternal, like a “past” or a “future,” is not real.

Eternity is infinitely kind, whole and peaceful. Because all of everything is present and nothing can be lost or gained, there is nothing to fear, nothing coming, nothing going away, nothing leading anywhere but here, where judgment has no room to maneuver and everything just IS.

I believe this is the “eternal life” offered in John 3:16.

I do not need to die (in the conventional sense) to experience eternity. I only need to let go of the “past” and “future” that seem to make up my “life” and release myself fully into what is.