“Good” idea, “bad” idea.
“Good” move, “bad” move.
“Good” situation, “bad” situation.
“Good” person, “bad” person.
”Good” outcome, “bad” outcome.
It seems like I need “good judgment” to successfully navigate the world. But it’s important to remember that the world is just a dream, a story of ones own making, a projection of mind believed into existence, and for that reason all judgment is ultimately arbitrary.
Everyone alive lives in a different dream. And what is “good” and “bad” is entirely dependent on the particulars of their dream. So it’s unreasonable to expect that any two people will be in perfect agreement about what is “good” and what is “bad.”
The closest I can get to always having a consistent good and bad in my life is to find dreamers who seem to dream like me, band together with them and then tell myself the rest of the world is crazy.
This is where war begins. It’s the foundation of all war and all suffering: the notion that I know what is good and bad…that this, over here, is good and that, over there, is bad.
But if I can see that this illusion of separation is just the natural consequence of living in a dream, I don’t have to be driven by the suffering it causes me. I can be awake to it.
Without the dream, we are all one thing - a thing beyond goodness and badness:
“Judge not lest ye be judged” means: Beware of mentally dividing the world into good and bad because when I do, I give myself a divided world. And in my divided world, I am divided against the world which will - naturally - appear to be divided against me. When I judge, I instantly become a victim of my own judgment.
Even when I judge myself “good” - because the very act of calling myself “good” gives birth to the notion of a “bad” that stands in opposition to me. Without the story of my “goodness” (or “badness”) nothing can oppose me.
I am not good. I am not bad.
I am whole.
And there is no problem in wholeness because all is one.
The way out of judgment is to be awake to the nightmare of imagined separation, to know that when I see “good” and “bad” in the world, I’m falsely categorizing a universe that is completely beyond categorization. That’s totally okay. But if it causes me any suffering, I don’t have to believe it anymore. I can question it, return to the Truth of the universe’s wholeness and then just love, and be loved by, what is.
Beware of fighting for “good.”
I cannot know a person by their actions.
Knowing good and evil is above my pay grade.
One of the surest ways for me to suffer is to be sure I’m right.
The thing about judgment is, it’s always me.
There is no absolute good or bad.