Knowing “good” and “evil” is above my pay grade.

Knowing Good and Evil is above my pay grade. 

I find they’re not knowable by me. 

So many times I’ve thought I was acting on the side of good only to learn later the bad that came from it. So many times I’ve thought I had done wrong only to discover that I was doing exactly what needed to be done. And I find, through it all, through all my supposed rightness and wrongness that I end up safe, supported, and held (even when I don’t believe it), that it has all worked out FOR me...often in spite of me. 

I have no idea what’s good and bad in an objective sense. It appears to me that suffering always indicates that I’m believing a thought that isn’t true. But I can’t know at any given moment whether that suffering is a problem or if maybe it’s a blessing. Aside from what I’m thinking and believing, life is always gentle, kind, wise. That’s been my experience. No thought, no problem.

So right and wrong, Good and Evil, aren’t knowable by me. That’s God’s (Realty’s) business. Not mine. And I find that I always suffer when I try to take over God’s (Reality’s) work. I don’t have the vision.

That’s God’s (Reality’s) work.

That’s what the The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil in the parable of Adam and Eve is talking about. It’s a metaphor for the suffering that comes of believing I know for certain what’s good and what’s evil. It’s a way to illustrate that the minute believe I “know” what’s good and what’s evil, I am lost. And I stay lost as long as I believe it.

If I want to return to the peace from which I was born, it is always there for me.

All I have to do is love what is.