If I judge someone unkind, I am the one engaging in unkindness. It is my unkind thought that labels that person unkind.
I cannot think someone unkind without unkindness introducing the thought.
I cannot think someone impatient without impatience introducing the thought.
I cannot think someone intolerant without intolerance introducing the thought.
I cannot think someone stupid without stupidity introducing the thought.
I cannot think someone judgmental without judgment introducing the thought.
Conversely, if I think someone kind, it is kindness introducing the thought, and so on...
So my judgments are signals: they’re a mirror reflecting my state of mind back to me. In that way, I can see them as an indicator of my state of mind and what that state of mind is bringing to my attention and, thus, to my world. My judgments are the canary in the coal mine of my peace of mind.
So anything I judge unfit for my world I am being called to remove from MY OWN repertoire.
When I identify what I want removed from the world and remove it from my own repertoire, I stop reflecting it into the mirror of my experience and so it stops showing up in my “world.” I find that the thing I wanted gone has disappeared, replaced with thoughts of kindness and patience and tolerance and shared wisdom and love and understanding. I get a whole new world. A kinder, more peaceful, more welcoming and hospitable world.
And then I begin to reflect that out into my world and it becomes a beautiful cycle continually rewarding itself.
...Until my next judgment (which will always come - judgments just seem to float in out of nowhere).
And when it does I know just what to do to clear it up.
It’s all there for me. It’s all in my hands.
How incredibly kind of the universe.